Tervoo.com: A New Social Interview Site


New Member
Please tell me what you think of my "Coming Soon" page. This will be close to the style of the final page when it is finished. I just want to make sure the page is attractive enough to have people come back after visiting.


Here is what I read about coming soon pages: The coming soon page doesn't have to be too involved, but should include a descriptive page title, a bit of content that complements your title tag, and anything else you want. Don't worry about design at this point.

Do you agree, disagree?
What should I add or take away for better google hits, and understanding of the site?


Staff member
I would avoid use of the word "interrogation" people often view that negatively.
The image is not very descriptive.
Depending on your market audience, i would also avoid use of words like "Sweet, what else ya got?"