Template query


New Member
Hi Guys.

I am a complete newbie to all things web related but decided to have a go designing a site for our holiday let company.

Since completing the site I have been asked by numerous friends etc to design a web site for them.

My problem is that for my own web site I just used a template and added bits and bobs to it. Some were complicated and i had to learn how to do it but some were very easy.

The program I used is called Web Easy Pro v7 and comes with numerous templates - none of them are outstanding but they are free and more to the point the programe understands their format ( .TPL)

My question is does anyone know of a web site that I can get native format .TPL templates from because the program I use dosent understand any other format.




New Member
Have you tried to do a search in google for the term "free .tpl template" ?
There are other terms you can use as well. Try it out.



New Member

Thanks for your response but I have searched Google and other search engines for the last week without any sucess. I have found literally dozens of sites where I can get templates (both free and to purchase) but none of them are in the .tpl format.

I am begining to think I made a big mistake in buying the Web Easy Pro software as it dosent appear to be compatible with anything. Even Avanquest (the manufacturers) now tell me that they don't know of any template supplier that uses the .tpl format.

Looks like I'm screwed.

