Pingback Spam?

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Is there such a thing as Pingback spam? I started my first WordPress blog recently. I added a CAPTCHA because I was getting 7 spam posts per day after the blog reached only 12 posts! Ofcourse pingback messages from WordPress bypass the Captcha. When I follow the links in pingback messages, 2/3 of the time, there is no reference to my blog at all, and the subject on the blog is completely irrelevant. Is this another spam technique? Linking to do-follow blogs, just to get a pingback posted with a do-follow link?


New Member
Yes, there is. Good thing is, there are ways to prevent pingback spams. You can opt to disable it. Go to admin/settings/advanced and remove check mark in "enable pingbacks" and "enable trackbacks" opting to not receive them.
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