Organizing Web Sites


New Member

I'm having a bit of organizational distress at the moment...

On the server, my organization is fine (I think!), but on my hard drive - now that's a mess.

I've got PSD files and notes and obsolete images all in the web folders that I do not need (and generally don't put) online.

I'd just like to know how everyone else organizes everything on their hard drive for ease of use/clarity and not putting it on the site? Or - any suggestions to save me my now frequent headaches:)




Super Moderator
Staff member
to give you a bit of an idea of how i organize, here is an example for the directory structure of an imaginary project...

i do this for each project. it's simple and straight forward and separates the various types of files from one another. i then create a virtual directory in my development server which points to the www folder, for local testing.


New Member
Thanks - that does sound much more organized. I'd just started to keep separate folders for "to upload" and "original stuff", but your suggestion sounds much more coherent.

I'll give it a try:)


New Member
Organising files

Each project has its own directory and inside that directory I have the following directories:

- html (If it's a big site this has sub-directories. Any old pages, which I want to keep, get "old" added to their name)
- docs
- photos (this contains photos either provided or taken by me for the project but which are not necessarily used)
- images (this contains only images which are used on the site)
- graphics (if I create graphic files for the project)

The main directory might also contain other odds and ends not put in a separate directory.

The whole directory is burnt onto a CD every so often as a back-up.