OH need help on website!!


New Member
HI all I am new to this forum and making a website. I have watched video's ect but am sooooo stuck as a new beginner. :eek:

I have Wordpress theme Photo Press. I am wanting the picture I have on the static place to fill the home page. I cannot seem to get it to cover the page even when I use the full width template. Heck I cannot even add color to drown out the white background.

Does anyone know how to change all that or even know of a free theme that allows you to lay out how you want your homepage template?

Thanks so much.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I can't speak for how that particular template works, but for the most part, you probably will have to edit the CSS for the theme directly to change colors and what-not. As far as laying things out the way you want them, you're going to be limited unless you create your own theme.


New Member
I tried to learn that and well lets just say it did not take. I want to learn how to build a child theme ect. I just need someone to help me for it.



Super Moderator
Staff member
CSS is kinda imperitive to learn. Making themes without knowing CSS would be akin to driving in heavy traffic with a blindfold on.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Codecademy has a web fundamentals course. Run through that.

The basic point is, you're going to have to learn CSS to do what you're wanting. It's that, or hire out.
So... thing is from what I've noticed due to some jobs "tweaking" WordPress templates, there made for idiots. By that what I mean is a “good” theme leaves nothing to chance and its MAIN goal is to have the end user be able to do all they need to do on the themes back end without touching any of the files. Drawback, a lot of css is generated in JavaScript, adding classes inline, so creating your own CSS wont over-ride it unless !important is used, which can be problematic itself and doesn’t guarantee you will get the results you’re looking for.

After 4 jobs working with pre made templates, I hate them, and the team I consult for now just have me theme it out as its actually CHEAPER in the long run. When you know the code you can fly thru it as opposed to trying to figure out who did what where and (usually) WHY?