New Site - A couple questions


New Member
Hi Everyone,
Today, in light of the new Amazon releases, I managed to get my hands on '' and ''. Now, I was originally just going to try and sell it off in a week when there is plenty of hype...BUT I decided I wanted to try and sign up for a couple affilate programs and sell some accessories or something like that.

So, I signed up for Amazon Associates -- they accept you automatically, but then must approve your application (like a human must look at it) and if they see something that they don't approve of, they will decline that auto-accepted application. My application was auto approved, but it has not yet been referenced by an Amazon employee.

I soon realized that I may be declined because of the use of "kindle" in the name. What do you guys think? As well, what would you recommend to be the best course of action to maximize profit if I were to be declined? (eg. do you know of any other good affiliate programs or some other way to profit off of it?)

Thanks in advance.