Need opinions on new sites


New Member
i just created 3 websites, all could be found on
and i could like to know your opinions on them as i am currently looking for a job at a few companies and i would like to know what i could do to change them to better my chances of getting a job.
I am 18 years old and started messing about with the idea of web design 4 years ago just working a bit on a website for my mum. only recently did i really think about working on web design as a full time thing and now that i need to save up quite a large amount of money to travel for 4 months i am starting to worry if i have what it takes.
Please be as harsh as you like but if you are going to tell me that they are **** at least tell me what i can do to improve them
thank you


Staff member
The main padesigns requires a lot of work before you get to the standard of getting a web design job. Using images where text should be used, colors that dont blend, are a few areas you may want to look at.