need advice on building a photo gallery


New Member
Hi there,

I would like some designing advice if anyone can get me some feedback, I'd really appreciate it.
I'm doing a very simple website that includes a photo gallery that will be displayed within the page.
Example: layout 4 buttons on the left, you click one button and then I have e.g 4 more buttons right beside the main buttons. Then You click on one of the buttons and a photo gallery will be displayed max 10 pics. Then another gallery for the other buttons.

Which is the easiest way to build it, I thought using flash for the gallery and put it in the table in Dreamweaver to display the gallery, so it stayes within the page. But it's going to be about 20 pages and to have a swf file in each might be too much.
If anyone could help me and let me know, what is the easiest way of building this, I would appreciate it.

Sorry for the long post.

Mel :)


New Member
hmmm, interesting...When i had to build a photogallery for a client I made it look like this: First you click on the title of the album, a popup window will come up with thumbnails and then you click on the thumbnail and using Highslide JS, the real picture smoothly popups. Is that kind of what you're looking for?


New Member
thanks for responding :)
Yea, this is kind of what I'm looking for, kind of new to this though.
What needs to happen on the page, you click on the button for the album and the images will come up and than scroll or click to the next image. So a back and previous button. Plus it has to stay within the same page. The images are all sized and I guess I can put them in the table beside the button to be displayed. Is there a Java Script for that?

Mel :)


New Member
I don't want a pop up, just have the images displayed within the page.
So just to click the button and right beside it the images come up and a previous and back button. Is there a Java Script for that?

Mel :)