Mystery Meat + Navigation website


New Member

This is my website:

As you can see, I created a 3D room. Users can choose to interract with the room or using the navigation if they are in a hurry or dont want to look at the room.

What do you guys think of it? Please I need tips and comments!!!

Much appreciated.

Thank you!!!


New Member

1st issue- No indication at all as to what the site is about, its purpose, nothing on the main page- you should at least have "so and so's portfolio" on the home page-

There are 5 pic links in the room and only 3 text links-

Also, each item in the room should have some type of description come out upon rollover

"Or move your cursor accros the room to interract." -this should only be on the home page- & you need to check the spelling on it-

Computer- Functionless- maybe use this as a venue for your 'about' info, ...............bigger computer monitor with scroll down maybe

Noteboard- I first off don't really understand the function of this, but if this site is to help you attain a job- freelance or other, you should refrain from curse words and poop drawings-

Stereo- cant read playlist- text too small-


New Member
You sir are really helping me thank you!!

I will delete all those nonsens things like the billboard.

But what I was worried about was the mystery + navigation system. I thought that both of them wont work good and fail the site.

Thank you so much!!