My webpage was deleted, found archive of it


New Member
My original webpage was deleted by ATT but I found a copy of it in the archive online.

I would like to use that archive one to give to a hosting company like GoDaddy. When I called them, they recommened I get someone to redo and then send to them.

Is there a program out there that I can just use to download my archive and the result will be a properly done website?




Super Moderator
Staff member
I cant imagine it would be too difficult to rummage through the archive and piece it back together.
Particularly if it was a straight html build.
If it used a cms, it would be wise to find out what it was, then it would just be a matter of installing said cms on new server. And filling in the blanks, ie templates, image folders, scripts etc...
What format did they give you the archive in? What do you know of the old sites architecture?