jquery alphabetised list


Super Moderator
Staff member
hi. I've got a jquery script that I'm using on a clients website. that orders a list of artists in alphabetical order, and you can choose between a full listing or by a, b, c etc...
the problem is that I've got the list set up as firstname lastname, (so on the screen it reads as you would read someones name) and thus orders based on the first letter...what I need it to do is to sort by the first letter of the last name. JS/jquery isn't my strong point so i'd probably just break it if I tried to do anything.

the script is as follows.
* jQuery listnav plugin
* Copyright (c) 2009 iHwy, Inc.
* Author: Jack Killpatrick
* Version 2.1 (08/09/2009)
* Requires jQuery 1.3.2, jquery 1.2.6 or jquery 1.2.x plus the jquery dimensions plugin
* Visit http://www.ihwy.com/labs/jquery-listnav-plugin.aspx for more information.
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
*   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
*   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

(function($) {
	$.fn.listnav = function(options) {
		var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.listnav.defaults, options);
		var letters = ['_', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '-'];
		var firstClick = false;
		opts.prefixes = $.map(opts.prefixes, function(n) { return n.toLowerCase(); });

		return this.each(function() {
			var $wrapper, list, $list, $letters, $letterCount, id;
			id = this.id;
			$wrapper = $('#' + id + '-nav'); // user must abide by the convention: <ul id="myList"> for list and <div id="myList-nav"> for nav wrapper
			$list = $(this);

			var counts = {}, allCount = 0, isAll = true, numCount = 0, prevLetter = '';

			function init() {

				$letters = $('.ln-letters', $wrapper).slice(0, 1); // will always be a single item
				if (opts.showCounts) $letterCount = $('.ln-letter-count', $wrapper).slice(0, 1); // will always be a single item

				if (opts.flagDisabled) addDisabledClass();

				if (!opts.includeAll) $list.show(); // show the list in case the recommendation for includeAll=false was taken

				// remove nav items we don't need
				if (!opts.includeAll) $('.all', $letters).remove();
				if (!opts.includeNums) $('._', $letters).remove();
				if (!opts.includeOther) $('.-', $letters).remove();

				$(':last', $letters).addClass('ln-last'); // allows for styling a case where last item needs right border set (because items before that only have top, left and bottom so that border between items isn't doubled)
				if ($.cookie && (opts.cookieName != null)) {
					var cookieLetter = $.cookie(opts.cookieName);
					if (cookieLetter != null) opts.initLetter = cookieLetter;

				// decide what to show first
				if (opts.initLetter != '') {
					firstClick = true;
					$('.' + opts.initLetter.toLowerCase(), $letters).slice(0, 1).click(); // click the initLetter if there was one
				else {
					if (opts.includeAll) $('.all', $letters).addClass('ln-selected'); // showing all: we don't need to click this: the whole list is already loaded
					else { // ALL link is hidden, click the first letter that will display LI's
						for (var i = ((opts.includeNums) ? 0 : 1); i < letters.length; i++) {
							if (counts[letters[i]] > 0) {
								firstClick = true;
								$('.' + letters[i], $letters).slice(0, 1).click();

			// positions the letter count div above the letter links (so we only have to do it once: after this we just change it's left position via mouseover)

			// adds a class to each LI that has text content inside of it (ie, inside an <a>, a <div>, nested DOM nodes, etc)
			function addClasses() {
				var str, firstChar, firstWord, spl, $this, hasPrefixes = (opts.prefixes.length > 0);
				$($list).children().each(function() {
					$this = $(this), firstChar = '', str = $.trim($this.text()).toLowerCase();
					if (str != '') {
						if (hasPrefixes) {
							spl = str.split(' ');
							if ((spl.length > 1) && ($.inArray(spl[0], opts.prefixes) > -1)) {
								firstChar = spl[1].charAt(0);
								addLetterClass(firstChar, $this, true);
						firstChar = str.charAt(0);
						addLetterClass(firstChar, $this);

			function addLetterClass(firstChar, $el, isPrefix) {
				if (/\W/.test(firstChar)) firstChar = '-'; // not A-Z, a-z or 0-9, so considered "other"
				if (!isNaN(firstChar)) firstChar = '_'; // use '_' if the first char is a number
				$el.addClass('ln-' + firstChar);

				if (counts[firstChar] == undefined) counts[firstChar] = 0;
				if (!isPrefix) allCount++;

			function addDisabledClass() {
				for (var i = 0; i < letters.length; i++) {
					if (counts[letters[i]] == undefined) $('.' + letters[i], $letters).addClass('ln-disabled');

			function addNoMatchLI() {
				$list.append('<li class="ln-no-match" style="display:none">' + opts.noMatchText + '</li>');

			function getLetterCount(el) {
				if ($(el).hasClass('all')) return allCount;
				else {
					var count = counts[$(el).attr('class').split(' ')[0]];
					return (count != undefined) ? count : 0; // some letters may not have a count in the hash

			function bindHandlers() {

				// sets the top position of the count div in case something above it on the page has resized
				if (opts.showCounts) {
					$wrapper.mouseover(function() {

				// mouseover for each letter: shows the count above the letter
				if (opts.showCounts) {
					$('a', $letters).mouseover(function() {
						var left = $(this).position().left;
						var width = ($(this).outerWidth({ margin: true }) - 1) + 'px'; // the -1 is to tweak the width a bit due to a seeming inaccuracy in jquery ui/dimensions outerWidth (same result in FF2 and IE6/7)
						var count = getLetterCount(this);
						$letterCount.css({ left: left, width: width }).text(count).show(); // set left position and width of letter count, set count text and show it

					// mouseout for each letter: hide the count
					$('a', $letters).mouseout(function() {

				// click handler for letters: shows/hides relevant LI's
				$('a', $letters).click(function() {
					$('a.ln-selected', $letters).removeClass('ln-selected');

					var letter = $(this).attr('class').split(' ')[0];

					if (letter == 'all') {
						isAll = true;
					} else {
						if (isAll) {
							isAll = false;
						} else if (prevLetter != '') $list.children('.ln-' + prevLetter).hide();

						var count = getLetterCount(this);
						if (count > 0) {
							$list.children('.ln-no-match').hide(); // in case it's showing
							$list.children('.ln-' + letter).show();
						else $list.children('.ln-no-match').show();

						prevLetter = letter;

					if ($.cookie && (opts.cookieName != null)) $.cookie(opts.cookieName, letter);

					if (!firstClick && (opts.onClick != null)) opts.onClick(letter);
					else firstClick = false;
					return false;

			// creates the HTML for the letter links
			function createLettersHtml() {
				var html = [];
				for (var i = 1; i < letters.length; i++) {
					if (html.length == 0) html.push('<a class="all" href="#">ALL</a><a class="_" href="#">0-9</a>');
					html.push('<a class="' + letters[i] + '" href="#">' + ((letters[i] == '-') ? '...' : letters[i].toUpperCase()) + '</a>');
				return '<div class="ln-letters">' + html.join('') + '</div>' + ((opts.showCounts) ? '<div class="ln-letter-count" style="display:none; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:20px;">0</div>' : ''); // the styling for ln-letter-count is to give us a starting point for the element, which will be repositioned when made visible (ie, should not need to be styled by the user)


	$.fn.listnav.defaults = {
		initLetter: '',
		includeAll: true,
		incudeOther: false,
		includeNums: true,
		flagDisabled: true,
		noMatchText: 'No matching entries',
		showCounts: true,
		cookieName: null,
		onClick: null,
		prefixes: []

hope someone can help. cheers.


Super Moderator
Staff member
meh... couldnt figure a js fix, but added a new h3 and made it display:none and wrote the listing as lastname, firstname. that seems to work.


New Member
where does the variable firstWord come from? Maybe you can change whatever sets this variable to the second word.