Issue with 'contact' form


New Member
Hi Guys,
Really appreciate if anyone could give me some guidance on this.
I am using the free contact me form available from

It comes with 4 .php files, and the instructions say to :

To use this script, place this code andwhere where you want the counter to appear:
<?php @include_once("contact.php");?>

So I have put this in the editable region of my contact page as so..

<td width="760" height="605" colspan="12" align="left" valign="top"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion1" -->
<?php @include_once("contact.php");?>
<!-- InstanceEndEditable --></td>

When I load the page server side, there isnt anything showing in that section at all. I've confirmed that the php files are all in the root as per directions..

Can anyone please advise what stupidity I am doing? :eek:

Kind regards,


New Member
I don't know what the content of the contact files that you are using is. When I started with contact forms, I used and then took their source and pasted it into my page. I never had an issue with it unless I forgot that sendmail wasn't install on the server, or set up right, then the email just won't send.

I hope this helps :)


New Member
Are you using a .php file extension on your page ?

If so check that contact.php is on your path.

Check your php/apache log files for errors.
