Html order of rendering


New Member
I have a question.

All things being equal, assuming no z-index used, will an html element higher on the page ie closer to the head appear above or below a 'lower' element?

With regards,


New Member
In general they would appear in the order you place them but, if any objects are floated, those below can slide up past them.


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assuming no z-index used
z-index is absolutely nothing to do with the element "rendering" order. ( as your title suggests) What you are talking about is the normal flow of elements, and
html element higher on the page ie closer to the head appear above or below a 'lower' element?
With no POSITIONING and therefore no stacking order (z-index) changes, all elements will be in the same plane (0).

If positioning is used on any particular element the plane value will be increased by 1 so siblings before AND after that one in the flow will be on a plane above
My relative positioning demo should help to illustrate that concept.

You need to visualise the document as a "tower block", with the normal flow elements being in a plane that equates to the "ground floor" and the values of z-index change the plane (floor number) that elements are in.

Floating an element puts it into a different plane from positioned and static elements so elements in the "float plane" can ignore the normal flow and "slide" or "float" to the top edge of the document. so in our tower model "floats" are at the left and right edges but OUTSIDE the building. if that makes sense.

And I bet you thought that was an easy question. :D


New Member
z-index is absolutely nothing to do with the element "

wow, now i'm confused!

when you say in the same plane(0) do you mean as read on the screen i.e. top of screen (top of html page) is on top , bottom of screen is on bottom? i'm assuming so.
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Yeah I'm with you. That was some rambling right there. Basicly documents read from top to bottom, unless a float is used. Document wil still read the same, but the element is taken out of the normal flow and displayed diffrently. Was that really so hard???? Ignore that plane stuff, has nothing to do with the question you asked and has more to do with stacking order.


New Member
z-index is absolutely nothing to do with the element

ok, i think i get it now after thinking about it and trying a few things. many many thanks. the only weird thing i encountered was ... two elements which are absolutely positioned seem to reverse the normal rule and the lower element on the HTML appears 'above' the other.

i thought maybe this was because the browser renders the first element as absolute, then gets to the second element and it is also absolute so i sort of gets reset at the top again.

any thoughts?
So... Div positioned relative, link inside positioned absolute. The link will be positioned absolute to the relative object, in his case being the div. Remove the relative position of the div, the link will then be positioned absolute of the next relative object moving UP the DOM, in this case, since nothing else was named, it will be the <html>.


Do yourself a favor, dont DON'T overuse positioning and use it only when you really, REALLY need to as it can start to make you page render in odd ways that you don't want it to.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
z-index is absolutely nothing to do with the element "

wow, now i'm confused!

when you say in the same plane(0) do you mean as read on the screen i.e. top of screen (top of html page) is on top , bottom of screen is on bottom? i'm assuming so.

No, HTML documents are far more than a flat object is, say sheet of paper.
The dimensions width and height, as applied to elements, make more sense in the real world thinking when you consider them as the width being the distance between the left and right edges, and the height being analogous to the LENGTH of the object eg: the distance from the top edge to the bottom edge.

This leaves you free to consider that z-index determines the elevation of the element ie: The distance from ground level (0) to the point furthest from level 0.

It is a curious concept BUT when you treat the document as a three dimensional object, like a cube or a box, rather than thinking of it as a two dimensional object like a sheet of paper, it begins to make sense.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
z-index is absolutely nothing to do with the element

ok, i think i get it now after thinking about it and trying a few things. many many thanks. the only weird thing i encountered was ... two elements which are absolutely positioned seem to reverse the normal rule and the lower element on the HTML appears 'above' the other.

i thought maybe this was because the browser renders the first element as absolute, then gets to the second element and it is also absolute so i sort of gets reset at the top again.

any thoughts?

Absolute positioning or fixed takes elements out of the normal flow so they do not affect, nor are they affected by. other elements. so they exist in a seperate plane that is relative to the body element, UNLESS there is an ancestor element is positioned other than static.


New Member
If you take a look at this example test.html
the green box, which is lower on the HTML page, appears above the pink box, although they are both absolutely positioned with no ancestors ???


Absolute positioning or fixed takes elements out of the normal flow so they do not affect, nor are they affected by. other elements. so they exist in a seperate plane that is relative to the body element, UNLESS there is an ancestor element is positioned other than static.


Super Moderator
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in case it hasnt been made very clear to you.
an absolute positioned element is taken out of the document flow.

pink 200px x 200px box is absolute positioned top 0 left 0
which is where it goes.
green 100px x 100% box is absolute positioned top 0 left 0.

let me just reiterate, absolute elements are taken out of the document flow

blue 100px x 100px box absolute positioned top 0 left 0 will also sit on top of the green, and pink boxes.


New Member
in case it hasnt been made very clear to you.
an absolute positioned element is taken out of the document flow.

Thanks, and so if the 'green' div came first in the HTML, that would appear under the pink, right? Because the rendering engine gets to it first.

Sorry to be such a numbskull BTW. And thanks for your patience.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
in case it hasnt been made very clear to you.
an absolute positioned element is taken out of the document flow.

Thanks, and so if the 'green' div came first in the HTML, that would appear under the pink, right? Because the rendering engine gets to it first.
yep and for clarification.

#pink is 200px in length, #green is only 100px therefore 100px of #pink is UNDERNEATH #green and therefore is obscured.

In the tower block analogy #pink is on the ground floor and #green is on a floor above.

If you use any developer plugins to your browser, edit the CSS to give #pink a z-index of 1 or more.

The "old fashioned" (Netscape) way of naming divs as layers is a good way of looking at it and the layer stacking order is from the normal flow start, (after the <body> open tag and increases by one following each BLOCK element close tag in the flow that is a direct ancestor of the body.


<body> << start of layer level 0
      </div> << this tag is NOT being a direct ancestor of body so does NOT alter the stack level
</div> <<        plus one (level 1)

</p> <<<        plus one (level 2)

</body> << end of flow.

Each block element ALSO has a flow of it's own that works exactly the same way and ends at the parent close tag.