How to center everything?


New Member
Dear, folks. I was looking for a way to make the contents of web pages automatically align in the center with respect to the size of browser’s window, so that regardless of monitor’s resolution settings, all of the elements would neatly space in the middle. I know this can be done, but I'd like to know how. Some guy recommended to put everything inside an HTML table, and it worked; HOWEVER, all Flash animations lost their interactivity, meaning that the sequences would play fine, but the buttons became non-responsive and inactive (the cursor wouldn’t even change on mouse-over).
Would anyone be kind enough to provide a solution and/or links to the solution to this problem.
Thank you.


New Member
I find that is easier to find a site containing a feature you are looking for and peak at their css rather than ask for help.

I think this is what you are looking for...
div#content {
text-align: center;


New Member
Tricky Buttons

I’ve looked at numerous sites, but it seems that my challenge is a bit unique. The problem is that the buttons I designed are not rectangular; they are hexagon-rectangles neatly tiled in a conforming pattern. A closer look would reveal that utilization of .gif transparency allowed the buttons to overlay each other without obstructing each other. In order for this kind of tiling pattern to be possible, the buttons need to be allowed to be positioned freely in accordance with each other. In other words, the “hexashells” should have free relative positioning, but as a group of objects they have to be bound to some king of parent which is always in the center regardless of browser’s window’s scale, as opposed to having a fixed position. I hope I didn’t confuse you too much. :p Long story short I want to center everything on that page.
Of course, I can always go back and modify the graphics on image editing level, but if possible, I’d like to avoid having to go through such overwhelming amounts of redoing. That’s like the last resort for me and hopefully it doesn’t become the unfortunate necessity. Is there a way around this?
Any pointers are much appreciated.
Oh, I failed to mention that I completely lack the coding knowledge?
(Please be sweet and tolerant with me, I’m new to all this). ^-^