Dynamic font size changing


New Member

I'm making a webpage on Typo3 platform. One of the functionalitites is to have accessibility options - to change the size of the text. I searched the web to find out how to do that and I installed a plugin, which does exactly that. The problem is, that nothing happens when I have the font-size defined on body tag like this:

body { font: 12px Arial; }

When I try to change the font size it doesn't work, but if I remove the upper line in my CSS it does.

The page can be seen here http://showroom.alcyone.si/zagovornik/.

Any help appreciated.
Best regards,
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New Member
Offline it's working. I have saved your files (JS and CSS) on my PC and i run the page with FF and it's working. From some reason online it's off.

Try to test your other files, you must have some code that bugs it.

By the way, try to collect all of your "body" styles to one, you have two, and try to separate the code "font-size" from "font: 12px/1.55 Arial, sans-serif;", or try to write it all
"font: normal normal 12px/1.55em Arial, sans-serif;"

Let us know.