Displaying a web servers contents in an HTML


New Member
Ok.. here's a nut to crack..
This is what I want to do:

I have my site on which there is a link to a page for my clients.
They go to that page and click on their name or project's name.
They then enter in a password to view their particular html page.
This would be accomplished by using HTML Password Lock-program.
What I want next, is to have, somehow, a box on this html page,
that would list the contents of that particular folder where the HTML file is at.
Preferably, the html file itself would not appear in this list.
When I want to update or add or remove files from this folder,
I simply do so with my FTP client and not have to ever edit any
html pages to correctly reflect the current files/names, etc.
By making the password protected file called index.htm, no one could bypass
it by going directly to the folder www.website.com/folder1.
So for each client's folder I would have to create a file called index.htm in
each of them so that I can lock it down. Right now I share files to my
clients by uploading them to their folder on my server, but anyone who
knows the name of that folder can go in there to look at the files and to copy them.
