Could anyone tell me please how to design a “downloading point” ?


New Member
Could anyone tell me please how to design a “downloading point” for a game on my website? ( “downloading point” ? Well, sorry I have no idea how to describe it :rolleyes:…I just want a visitor to be able to click on an icon or a link and download a game from my website…How do I do it ? ). Thanks a lot ! For most of you my question is probably simple and silly… :eek: I’m sorry about that. :eek:


New Member
Could anyone tell me please how to design a “downloading point” for a game on my website? ( “downloading point” ? Well, sorry I have no idea how to describe it :rolleyes:…I just want a visitor to be able to click on an icon or a link and download a game from my website…How do I do it ? ). Thanks a lot ! For most of you my question is probably simple and silly… :eek: I’m sorry about that. :eek:

You would simply link to your game file to allow them to download it.