Browser Zooming Problem


New Member
I have just recently put together a web page for a family member and right upon me completing it I found the page had a problem with the browser zooming. It displays perfect in the browsers I've checked it in except once I preform any type of zoom function. I built it in Dreamweaver cs5 and think it is a problem with the way positioned the elements. When zooming the div's i used to structure the page move around...

Can anyone give me some tips to save my work, this is just a favor for a family member and I would hate to have to rebuild the whole site again.

Here is the site:


Wrap main areas of content in divs. For instance:

div id="logo"
div id="logo_text"
div id="phone"

should be inside a header tag

div id="mission"
div id="specials"

should be wrapped with a div

div id="quad1"
div id="quad2"
div id="quad3"
div id="quad4"

should also be wrapped in a div
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Super Moderator
Staff member
dont position the way you have is the first issue
and you should use floats instead...