another one goes live!


New Member
hey forum,
I welcome comments on my latest site. It went live a few minutes ago.

With this site, I have launched my new NEWS & Events admin functionality.. so the client can update the news preview boxes and articles easily.. and now from their smart phones. I'm happy to report it is working out quite nicely!


New Member
Hi helloworld.

Nice site. Looks clean and professional. My only beefs are it seems to be a tad slow to load and the drop-down menu bugs me. But then all drop down menus that animate bug me so maybe it's just me! I know the effect is cool but as savy IT user I like things that happen instantly which means waiting for slow drop down menus to roll down the screen is just wasting time!

I'm probably a minority on that last one ;)

good job!



New Member
haha Le-roy! yet another IT mindset vs design mindset argument..

I totally agree with you on the load time though.. I kept a close eye on all my file sizes and code as always. I'm actually going to be copying this same site over and swapping out logos (and maybe some colors depending on client budget) to 2 of their partner companies. I'm not hosting this site, and I'm really curious to see how much faster the same exact site will load on my server. I'll let you know whenever that happens..
