Advice needed on web design plagiarism


New Member

I have a new client whom I thought wanted me to create a website design related to this website:

DJ VOLCANO - click the "Website" button to see what I'm referring to.

As it turns out, he wants me to copy this design way more closely than I feel comfortable with. For example, he wants the following things to be pretty much identical:

* The circle shape and placement
* The look and behavior of the churning background
* The shape, behavior, and erratic movement of the buttons
* The intermittent flashes

The only things he says can be different are the colors and the central logo. I wireframed some nice, unique variations, but he is adamant that I not change any of the things that I've mentioned. I've voiced my concerns about plagiarism to him countless times, but he won't budge.

I am considering telling him to look elsewhere for a designer, but I thought I would first ask the community for advice. Am I being overly sensitive, or is his request going a bit too far? Please tell me what you think.

Thanks very much,


New Member
I'd either (a) stay away from this guy because he sounds like an idiot, or (b) tell him about all of the downsides of using Flash. Telling a client that their site will not show up on an iPad or an iPhone will usually give them some incentive to consider an HTML version. Or maybe (c).. Accept cash and deny that you made the site. :)



There are many web designers out there that wouldn't bother questioning the moral and legal ramifications of copying another design. Fortunately you're not one of them. This client has revealed their true colours to you with this brief. Time to toss the hot potato back into the market....


New Member
Thank you all very much for your input. There was little doubt in my mind that I had to let this one go, but having this extra reinforcement made it that much easier to through with it.

Thanks again!