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  1. C

    Help with Mobile CSS - Adaptive Web Design

    No problem, glad I could help out
  2. C

    Help with Mobile CSS - Adaptive Web Design

    Sorry, you need this code at the top of the page before anything else: <?php ob_start(); ?> and this at the bottom of the page after everything: <?php ob_end_flush(); ?> and as far as the bracket goes that should be necessary but play with it and see if it works now.
  3. C

    Help with Mobile CSS - Adaptive Web Design

    No problem!
  4. C

    Help with Mobile CSS - Adaptive Web Design

    Sure! If you place this script on your page it will detect a mobile browser and redirect them to a different page: <?php $useragent=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if(preg_match('/android.+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge...
  5. C

    how to buy a domain name from current owner

    I'm not quite sure of any sites that assist in this trade, but if it was me I would contact that person first and see if they are even interested in selling it and then go from there. As far as what it's worth just think of that in terms as what its worth to you. Does it already get traffic? If...
  6. C

    Help with Mobile CSS - Adaptive Web Design

    When it comes to mobile sites, all you do really is just write a script that detects the mobile browser and directs the user to a completely different page which you designed specifically for mobile. The HTML and CSS is exactly the same.
  7. C

    Start up website

    Those are the same things I have read over and over but what is being said can be done with DIVs can be done with tables just the same. The only difference I see is the loading issue, but the times are very small differences really. Other than that, I can program a site very easily with tables...
  8. C

    My New site - Please review

    I like the simplistic elegant feel but I do agree that the font needs to be larger on the details page. It's very hard to read, even for you young readers.
  9. C

    Help: hooking up a contact form

    Well I tend to program everything by hand, but the way I make custom forms is to first create a table with 2 columns and 1 row for each field. Then on the 2nd column, where you want a field, just make your image the background image for that cell. Your image meaning, just an image of the actual...
  10. C

    How to approach potential clients for work?

    I have always used a less aggressive form of marketing but I would suggest the phone calls if you are interested in approaching potential clients. The other options leave a lot more room for someone to ignore or put off until later which will end up being forgotten. What you can do is call...
  11. C

    Help: hooking up a contact form

    To make your contact form work, your entire form can be html how you have it assuming it is set up right. Then set your action to go to the form script: action="formscript.php" That will be your only necessary PHP page. Now on your PHP form page, this will be the PHP script: <?php $firstname...
  12. C

    Start up website

    Tables are not as bad as everyone seems to make them out to be. It is true that tables take longer to load than DIV's but in all actuality it is not that big of a difference. Computers are not getting slower so considering it is already not that bad, what does it really matter? Just my opinion...
  13. C

    Submit button does not work. Please help!!!

    Yeah, that is the email address that will show up in the FROM field when the actual email is sent. Some servers require this to actually be an email set up with the domain, but on a lot of servers, this can be what you want it to be.
  14. C

    Submit button does not work. Please help!!!

    Well the best way to do these things is with PHP and the script I sent you is pretty simple. The way you are doing it works but it isn't very professional and the text that gets input in the email is hard to read. Would be better to just have a simple email link if your going for pure HTML. Once...
  15. C

    Submit button does not work. Please help!!!

    Right so what you do is change the "mailto:[email protected]" to "formsubmitpage.php" Then on that form submit page you need a script that grabs the info from the form and sends the mail. Here is a simple example of the form submit script to put on that page. <?php $username =...
  16. C

    This is getting worse

    Right, SEO should never be thought of as too hard and not worth trying any more. Every change that's ever made in their algorithms is solely attempting to make the search engine results more accurate. This is not a problem and no matter what someone will always be displayed first so there is...
  17. C

    Favourite disaster movie

    Well to each their own I guess, but I don't see what was wrong with it. Good story line, good acting, good special affects.....
  18. C

    What is the best way to have a list from a MySQL database come up only 10 at a time?

    What you want to do is add a limit to the query. For example: $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE `field` = '$variable' ORDER BY `field` ASC LIMIT $offset, $rowsPerPage"); while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { //do your thing here } If the $offset was 10 the list...
  19. C

    Submit button does not work. Please help!!!

    the action (action=" ") should be a page on your server that has a script which grabs all the fields info and then sends an email from that page.
  20. C

    Start up website

    I like it! I like the simple yet modern/crisp design.