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  1. K

    xml sitemap build by the Google?

    I have an xml sitemap build by the Google specificcation when I try to validate the XML i get warrning that I do not have DOCTYPE defined. I tried different <!DOCTYPE but non worked. What <!DOCTYPE do I need for basic XML?
  2. K

    What is SEO and help in setting up a website?

    I am looking to set up a website for a new business that I am just starting and although I am familiar with the pc and the internet, I am struggling to find out what SEO is. Also, as costs are limited, can I do it myself?
  3. K


    what webhosting did "peyton sawyer" [hilarie burton] from one tree hill use for her website? because i need a good webhosting site that'll let me use my domain that i have bought. and whatever webhosting she used looks like a good site i could use to webhost. thanx =]