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    Rollover Colour Problems

    Try td a:hover{color: #525352;} Tables screw up CSS inheritance; another great reason not to use them.
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    Cells don't react on mouse events

    Use DD Belated PNG for Transparent PNGs in IE6
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    Drawing curves

    Aww, I wanna know what you did!
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    Noshade attribute for <hr/>

    You should use CSS to style the HR element. Here's a quick guide to styling HR
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    Placement of CSS Code

    Yes you are. Whether using the <link> tag or the <style> tag, it should always go in the head
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    Nav bars - tables vs lists

    AusQB I have a pretty simple way of doing an "on-state" that'll tell you which page you're on. Works easily on a small site. Set a class on the body and set a different ID for each <a> in the navigation. So you have: <body class="home"> <ul> <li><a href="/" id="homeLink">Home Page</a></li>...
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    Problem in Email Signatures

    You can't ensure anything, really. Either the image gets attached or the image is linked from a server somewhere. Either way, mail clients will attempt to hide it. Sorry, there are no real standards for HTML email.
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    Font family

    It's a backup in case the user doesn't have that font. For example, Windows users don't have Lucida Grande, only Lucida Sans, so you would set font-family: Lucida Grande, Lucida Sans;
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    Learning HTML+CSS

    I think the best way to study it would be to use it. You can read up all you want, but there's no sense learning about properties that aren't supported or that don't work ideally in common browsers. Practice is the best way in my opinion.
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    Best Open Source E-Commerce CMS

    I've read good things about Magento, but I hate to recommend it considering I haven't worked with it.
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    Special fonts

    Yes you can and yes you are limited. There are multiple ways to do this. @font-face sounds closest to what you want. Support for it is uncommon. Most people end up using siFR (which I don't dig because it's resource heavy) or creating images for the...
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    Dreamweaver Header Issue.

    It only looks off in IE6. Your header div is going to stretch to fit in the navigation div. The quickest fix would be to take the navigation div out of the header div and use position: relative with a top: -10px (or whatever value) to get it to sit up where you have it in Firefox. I can think of...
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    Hey! Need som guidance

    I'd advise you to go to the library and get a book on PHP. The include statement alone has changed the way I work. Learning how to work with a content management system would be something really useful to learn as well.
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    Can anyone make the link border disappear?

    i prefer a img{border:none}
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    Using Photoshop with Dreamweaver

    It may be possible but I wouldn't recommend it. You'd end up with an inefficient, image heavy page, and I'm not sure if it would use tables or CSS for layout but I'd bet on the former.
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    How to use the 960 grid system?

    The 960 grid system is two things. 1) it's an idea The creator wants you to use the grid system because grids help organize your design. 960 is a nice number because it fills most of a 1024x768 resolution and it's divisible by a lot of numbers. For a grid, it's pretty flexible. 2) it's a CSS...
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    making a different url like the ones on myspace

    I'm not sure what you mean. You want directories or variables? Google "URL Rewriting htaccess" if you want help making pseudo-directories. Why would you want the variable-run site? It's only practical if you're querying a database running off one master PHP file. Most people want to move away...
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    Beginner question

    The differences between XHTML 1.0 strict and transitional are here: 1.1 is a reformulation of 1.0 strict. The book probably uses 1.1 because 1.0 transitional is intended for older websites who are transitioning toward the strict doctype. If...
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    Why choose "Unlimited" when its not real?

    LOL there's an ad on top of this page advertising Unlimited bandwidth. Seriously, though, you ought to write about it in your ad copy or homepage or blog or something. You need to convince people that you're a better host. They say unlimited, you have to do them one better. Reliable, honest, I...