Multiple Sites : Same or Separate Hosts ??


New Member
I am currently developing numerous websites, which although will have similar layouts etc, will each be totally different regarding content.I will obviously want to add links between each

I'm looking into getting hosting in the very near future, but have been advised (from a lecturer on a web design course) that Google (and others I assume) disregard links from similar sites if they are on the same server.SEO would therefore be affected

The lecturer suggested two options

(1) Host some or even all sites (20) with the same company but try and get them put on different servers, if this is possible. Economically, all with one company would be cheaper, although this is not really my top priority, but would be nice, if the option was available.

(2) just host each one with a different company. More expensive certainly, but more worryingly, maintenance would be much more time consuming

Any thoughts on these options, or indeed other ideas would be most welcome

thanks !:)

ps All sites will be for UK use only, each with a domain name (all already bought)