Ready-to-use Wordpress sites: what to focus on


New Member
I am interested in working creating websites ready-to-use based on Wordpress. Would you say that focusing only on developing WP themes would be too narrow? What other services would be worthwhile offering, related to the main concept (ready-to-use sites), in terms of $$ and volume of demand?


New Member
Getting into the Wordpress world of theming might take a bit of effort, because there are a ton (i mean a ton tontontonton) of Wordpress themes and artists out there. (with quite a ton of outstanding themes, many of them which are free)

Drupal and Joomla seem to be lacking in pre-made themes... maybe there's a niche there.


New Member
I definitely wouldn't take word press too seriously if your planning on making websites for businesses as wordpress looks, feels, and smells like a blog and businesses don't like that.


New Member
It's not completely a bad idea to create a few Wordpress themes. I just don't think you should expect to get paid for it. It's a great way to drive traffic to your website if you include a link back to your site on the template and upload it to the Wordpress theme library. Integrating Wordpress features into a client's website is a different thing though. You can pick into the Wordpress template and code to make it less "bloggy" and more of a genuine content management system. Businesses love being able to edit their own content on the fly and the "page" feature in Wordpress is really great for this.